

  • 胡范铸
  • 华东师范大学学报编辑部

网络出版日期: 2015-12-13

The Logical Starting Point of the Study of Humorous Language, Lies, Legal Language, Rhetoric of the Images of Organizations, Empirical Rhetoric, etc.: Thinking through “New Speech Act Analysis”

  • HU Fan-Zhu
HU Fan-Zhu

Online published: 2015-12-13


有效的研究范式应该是目标、问题、方法的统一。据此,当“修辞”重新定义为“一切使用语言实现自己意图的过程”,则“修辞学的根本目标”便应该设定为“以对言语行为的分析入手,有效地推进人的个体的社会化、群体的互动性、社会生活的现代化”。由此,修辞学的核心问题便是:当代生活中,人与人、机构与机构、人与机构的语言交往如何现代化?而要回答这一核心问题,最有效的核心概念就是:(新)言语行为。而相关的工具性范畴“主体类型”“意图结构”“语篇过程”“语境参数”“媒介”“关联度”“行为类型”“案例分析” “规则系统”(构成性规则/策略性规则)也就成为题中应有之义。而一系列前所未有的命题如“案例库修辞学何以展开”等等也就拥有了理论建构的可能。这便是基于“新言语行为分析”的修辞学。


胡范铸 . 幽默语言、谎言、法律语言、机构形象修辞、实验修辞学……研究的逻辑起点
——基于“新言语行为分析”的思考[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2015
, 47(6) : 1 -9 . DOI: 10.16982/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.06.001


An effective research paradigm must be a unity of aims, questions and methods. Hence, if “rhetoric” is redefined as “all processes of using language to realize one’s own purposes”, then the “ultimate target of rhetoric” shall be set as “effectively promoting the socialization of individuals, the interaction within groups and the modernization of social life by analyzing speech act”. The key issue of rhetoric is as follows: How can we modernize the linguistic communication among people, organizations, and between people and organizations in modern life? In order to solve this key issue, we find the most effective core concept is (new) speech act. Consequently come relative instrumental categories such as “subject type”, “purpose structure”, “discourse process”, “context parameter”, “media”, “interrelationship”, “behavior type”, “case analysis” and “system of rules (constitutive rules/strategic rules)”; in addition, it becomes possible to theoretically put forward a series of new questions such as “how to develop rhetoric of case database”. This constitutes the rhetoric based on “new speech act analysis”.
