FENG Qi is a Marxist philosopher and meanwhile a historian of Chinese philosophy. Thanks to his dual identities, FENG has made great theoretical contributions to the sinification of Marxist philosophy. His contributions embody in two aspects: first, by means of the dialectics between generality and individuality on the one hand and between university and particularity on the other, he studies Marxist philosophy against the backdrop of Chinese culture, and demonstrates the theoretical content and form of Marxist philosophy with Chinese characteristics; second, he exams the historical and theoretical background of the sinification of Marxist philosophy in the context of the philosophical revolution in the process of modern Chinese revolution, reveals the internal mechanism of the formation of Chinese Marxist philosophy and consequently proves that Chinese Marxist philosophy, rooted in Chinese culture, is a natural and reasonable result of the development of Chinese historical and cultural reform. Certainly, it will produce new philosophical patterns along with the reform of Chinese society and culture. This finding of FENG Qi is precious for us to study the sinification of Marxist philosophy and serves as an important method for us to develop values that will lead modern Chinese society to a healthy and sustainable condition.