“智慧说”是最能代表冯契先生哲学创新的一个学说,也是中国大陆从80 年代以来具有活力?具有逻辑结构?思维最为清晰的一个哲学创造?冯契的“智慧说”是建筑在西方近代理性主义追求的基础上,尤其与康德哲学及黑格尔哲学有密切关系,并最终落实在马克思的实在论的唯物主义的辩证法基础上?冯契这一认识的创意还不止于此,他是想以此来激活中国哲学中的逻辑思想和认识论的思想,例如对于墨辩的逻辑思想与荀子的解蔽思想的重视以及对于“天人合一”思想的汲取?他直接承受金岳霖的形式逻辑以及形上哲学(尤其对于可能世界的认识,对于以知识还治知识?以经验还治经验的吸收),以之为知识论与智慧论的发展的内在框架,他的“智慧说”是此一系统化哲学的最佳例证,必须肯定冯先生的逻辑分析能力与形上智慧的卓见?冯契先生强调人类在创造文化时,也创造了人类自身的价值,并提升了人类自己;冯契先生的智慧创造会导向一个现代化的“君子文明”的诞生,如果将之与中国哲学的易学更密切地结合起来,可以使它成为一套本体哲学?宇宙哲学与道德哲学?
As the most significant fruit of FENG Qis philosophical innovation, the “doctrine of wisdom” is the most dynamic philosophical achievement with a best logical structure in mainland China since 1980s. With a close relationship to Kant and Hegel, FENG s “doctrine of wisdom” is based on modern Western rationalism. However, it is ultimately founded on the dialectics of Marxist materialism. Moreover, FENG aims to activate the logical and epistemological thinking in Chinese philosophy, including the logical thinking in later Mohism and Xunzi. FENG inherits JIN Yuelins formal logic and metaphysics (especially the knowledge of possible worlds and the idea of “dealing knowledge with knowledge and dealing experience with experience”) and then develop an essential framework for his own epistemology and the theory of wisdom. According to FENG, through creating culture, human beings not only create human values but elevate themselves as well. FENGs exploration of wisdom will contribute to the emergence of modern “gentleman culture ”. If closely combined with the studies of the Book of Changes, it will help us develop a systemic philosophy that covers ontology, cosmology and moral philosophy.