

  • 刘阳
  • 华东师范大学中文系,上海,200241

网络出版日期: 2016-10-16



From “Theoretically Studying Literature” to “Literarily Theorizing”

  • LIU Yang
LIU Yang

Online published: 2016-10-16


理论地做文学,是西方1960 年代发展至新世纪并影响到我国的文学理论基本范式,其日益显露出在强行阐释文学中疏离文学、重蹈宏大叙事的局限。文学地做理论,则是有效走出这种局限并推进文学理论研究的新范式,其正展开为国际前沿学术景观。从历史依据看,“文学”的狭义是18 世纪以后以纯文学为内涵的学科建制,本义则是语言的创造性活动,后者在现代语言论视野中获得深化,并融入人文社科理论领域,成为一种活的思想方式。从逻辑依据看,文学地做理论,既扬弃以趣味主义与感悟随想为特征的我国古典诗文批评,也扬弃仍暗设有始源性权力的现代存在论诗思。从方法看,融入理论的文学能指,是陌生化的细节、个案与叙事等,被能指同时带出的融入理论的文学所指,则既以言外意克服思辨性元叙事,也以想象与同情克服解放性元叙事。从意义看,不同于理论地做文学,文学地做理论,有望同时走出文学危机与理论强行阐释的困境,兼容两者而更新理论研究的前景。


刘阳 . 从“理论地做文学”到“文学地做理论”[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2016 , 48(4) : 145 -153 . DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.04.016


“Theoretically Studying literature” is the primary paradigm of literary theory that has been developed since 1960s in the West and influenced China. However, it has been more and more clear that it has the limit of deviating literature in literary interpretation by force and following the track of grand narrative. As a new paradigm in the international academic frontier, “literarily theorizing” will help to overcome the limit and promote the study of literary theory. Historically speaking, while “literature” in a narrow sense is a subject developed since the 18th century, which takes pure literature as its content, the original meaning of “literature” is a creative activity of language, which has been deepened from the perspective of modern theory of language and integrated into theories of humanities and social sciences as a living thinking way. Logically speaking, “literarily theorizing” is to develop what is useful and discard what is not in Chinese classical poetry criticism characterized by taste orientation and inspired thoughts on the one hand and to sublate modern ontological poetics that still presupposes fundamental power on the other. Methodologically speaking, while literary signifier integrated in theory includes unfamiliar details, cases and narratives, literary signified integrated in theory, which is brought out by signifier, overcomes speculative meta-narratives with implications on the one hand and emancipating meta-narratives with imagination and sympathy on the other. What is significant is that “literarily theorizing” can help us go out of the dual predicaments of literary crisis and reluctant interpretation with theory.

