

  • 易凌峰 ,
  • 李腾 ,
  • 林芹 ,
  • 宋婕

录用日期: 2023-04-19

  网络出版日期: 2023-05-30


国家自然科学基金面上项目 “创业型领导、创新行为与新创企业成长:基于中国高科技企业的跨层研究”(项目编号:71972074)

Entrepreneurial Leadership,Challenging Stress,and Employee Innovation Behavior:The Moderating Role of Team Identification

  • Ling-feng YI ,
  • Teng LI ,
  • Qin LIN ,
  • Jie SONG

Accepted date: 2023-04-19

  Online published: 2023-05-30




易凌峰 , 李腾 , 林芹 , 宋婕 . 创业型领导、挑战性压力与员工创新行为——团队认同的调节作用[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2023 , 55(3) : 143 -154 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.03.014


Based on the job demands-resources (JDR) theoretical model, this paper conducts a questionnaire survey and analysis on employees of high-tech start-ups in the Yangtze River Delta. The results show that: (1) entrepreneurial leadership positively influences employee innovation behavior; (2) entrepreneurial leadership positively influences employee challenging stress; challenging stress positively affects employee innovation behavior; challenging stress has a significant mediating role in the relationship between entrepreneurial leadership and employee innovation behavior; (3) team identification positively moderates the relationship between entrepreneurial leadership and employee innovation behavior. These findings enrich the empirical research on the impact mechanism of entrepreneurial leaders on employees’ innovative behavior in the context of modern China. Meanwhile, the uncovering of the intermediate effect of challenging stress and the moderating effect of team identification has provided practical insights for enterprise stress management practice.


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