How Enterprise Network Promotes Disruptive Innovation Capability under the Background of New Quality Productivity:From a Knowledge Perspective
许鑫 , 张军玲 . 新质生产力背景下企业关系网络提升颠覆性创新能力机制研究——基于知识的视角[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2024 , 56(5) : 130 -144 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2024.05.012
Accelerating the formation of new quality productivity is the core support for Chinese modernization in the new era and on the new journey. We need to give full play to the leading role of innovation, especially original and disruptive innovation in science and technology. Based on the background of developing new quality productivity, this paper constructs a theoretical framework of how disruptive innovation promotes the development of new quality productivity from the perspective of knowledge. Meanwhile, combining social network and open innovation theory, it explores the influence mechanism of corporate network embeddedness and its interaction on firm disruptive innovation. Taking the emerging industry of intelligent electric vehicle as an example, an empirical analysis is carried out through negative binomial regression based on relevant patent data. The results show that collaboration network embeddedness can significantly improve the disruptive innovation capability of enterprises. Knowledge flow plays a mediating role between the structural embeddedness of collaboration network and disruptive innovation capability. In other words, enterprises can occupy the position of structural hole to promote knowledge flow and then enhance disruptive innovation capability. However, knowledge flow does not play a mediating role between the relational embeddedness of collaboration network and disruptive innovation capability. Both structural embeddedness and relational embeddedness of knowledge network positively regulate the relationship between structural embeddedness of collaboration network and knowledge flow. This paper expands the research on multi-layer network embeddedness in the context of open innovation, supplements the antecedents of disruptive innovation capability, and has significant implications for promoting enterprises’ independent innovation in science and technology and the development of new quality productivity.
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