Desire of Writing——Sartre's Ontology of Desire and Its Difference from Deleuze's Desire-becoming
姜宇辉 . 萨特的“欲望”本体论——兼论萨特与德勒兹的差异[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2005 , 37(6) : 49 -54 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.06.006
This paper focuses on Sartre's ontology of desire and basic characteristics of his psychanalyse existentielle which is based on the former.His writing on Flaubert L'Idiot de la famille is no doubt an outstanding case of such psychoanalysis.The first is a clarification of his central concept, reflexion, which is different from that of psychology.The opposition is mainly embodied in their completely different understandings of temporality.From this point Sartre's ontology of desire is distinguished from a psychological analysis of desire only as a psychological entity.Through his psychoanalysis, Sartre shows how Flaubert overcame the opposition tetween his basic desire of pour-soi and the laguage as en-soi to have successfully created his own ideal world.As for Deleuze, instead of reflecting on things, which is typical of modernism, philosophers should do creations and experiments; therefore, desire is neighter manqué d'etre nor original totality of pro-ject.Desire is always an experiment in becoming.
Key words: reflection; desire; writing; assemblage
1 | Sartre, L'etre et le néant, Paris: Callimard [M]. 1943. (中译文基本. 上采用《存在与虚无》,陈宜良等详,杜小真校,北京: 三联书店,1987年版) |
2 | Sartre, L'idiot de la famille, Gustave Flaubert de 1821 à 1857 [M]. I, Paris: Callimard, 1971. |
3 | Gilles Deleuze, Negotiations 1972-1990[C]. translated by Martin Joughin, New York: Columbia University Press, 1995. |
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6 | Giles Deleuze, The Deleuze Reader [C]. edited with introduction by Constantin V. Boundas, New York: Columbia UnivesityPress, 1993. |
7 | Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari, Kafka: pour une litterature mineure [M], Paris: les éditions de minuit, 1975. |
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