To Comment on a Novel Structure by Means of the Argumentation Writing Style——One Essential Feature in Jin Shengtan's Commentaries on Novels
对于明清小说的结构, 近人与清人有着截然不同的两种评价, 对这一现象的探讨可以发现金圣叹小说评点的一个本质特征: 以论说文之文法点评小说之结构。金圣叹《才子必读古文》摘选评点的主体部分是论说文, 探讨的主要是论说文的文法, 对叙事技法的探讨在金圣叹的批评话语中即使不是缺席, 起码也是相当淡化的。而且, 评点小说时, 金圣叹对“事”也相当忽略与淡化, 与之相对应, 他常常以论说文之文法点评小说之结构。由于金圣叹小说评点有着以论说文之文法点评小说之结构的本质特征, 套用西方叙事学、以现代叙事观念来探讨金圣叹的结构批评不仅仅是“印板”学术, 而且从研究的立足点来说都是根本错误的, 这样的研究格局应当改变。知道了金圣叹以论说文之文法点评小说结构这一本质特征, 还可对明清小说的结构问题及中西方小说结构论的利弊得失有进一步的认识。
王冉冉 . 以论说文文法评点小说结构——金圣叹小说评点的一个本质特征[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2004 , 36(2) : 50 -56+121 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.02.008
Scholars under the Qing Dynasty gave high praises on the Ming-Qing novel structure, but later scholars not. The analysis of their differences may expose an important feature of Jin Shengtan's comments on novels, namely, commenting on a novel structure in the writing style of argumentation. In his work, Collected Ancient Articles for Talented Scholars, Jin mainly chose and commented those argumentative articles, paying little attention to their narrative devices. Similarly, Jin Shengtan used to neglect narration in novels and tended to comment on the novel structure with tactics of argumentation. Owing to such an essential feature, it is fundamentally wrong to use Western or modern ideas of narration to explore Jin Shengtan's structural criticisms.
Key words: writing style of argumentation; structure; narration; meaning; rhythm
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