
On the Factors Influencing Housing Choice of the New Generation of Migrant Workers: An Empirical Test Based on CGSS Data

  • LONG Cui-Hong ,
  • CHEN Peng
LONG Cui-Hong,CHEN Peng

Online published: 2016-10-16


This paper analyzes the housing sources and housing quality of the new generation of migrant workers in their service sites through the General Social Survey data (CGSS2013). Based on the ordered logistic model and multinomial logistic model, this paper also examines the influential factors of housing choice of the new generation of migrant workers. The result shows that women and people with higher education prefer to live in a community with good quality, and the element of age has a positive influence on house purchasing and renting. Also, the new generation of migrant workers whose children are migrated together are more likely to settle in their service sites and buy the houses with high quality. Social endowment insurance, which can help workers resist the risks of uncertainty, is positive to housing choice. The new generation of migrant workers is more likely to buy or rent houses in their service sites if they have better occupations. Therefore, promoting the reform of the household registration system, perfecting the social security system of pension, education and medical treatment, and realizing the urban-rural integration of housing security gradually – all these practices will help to effectively solve housing problems of the new generation of migrant workers.

Cite this article

LONG Cui-Hong , CHEN Peng . On the Factors Influencing Housing Choice of the New Generation of Migrant Workers: An Empirical Test Based on CGSS Data[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2016 , 48(4) : 46 -54 . DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.04.005

