On Employment Quality, Urban Social Inclusion and the Health Status of Migrant Workers


Online published: 2019-09-24


With ordinal logistic regression, this study analyzes the impact of employment quality and urban social inclusion on migrant workers health status. Based on the survey data of migrant workers in four southeast coastal cities in China, this study shows that their employment quality has a significant direct impact on their health status. Specifically, higher income, the participation in trade unions, the participation in vocational trainings, and higher job satisfaction contributes have positive effect, while working overtime and living in dormitory are negative. Besides, another significant element is migrant workers' sense of urban social inclusion, which plays a role as a mediator between their employment quality and health status. Therefore, to improve migrant workers' health status, we should not only further labor market and employment quality but promote urban social inclusion as well.

Cite this article

XU Yan-hui, LI Zhi-bin . On Employment Quality, Urban Social Inclusion and the Health Status of Migrant Workers[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2019 , 51(5) : 2 -10 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.05.001

