With the deepening of urbanization and transformation and upgrading of industries, China's large cities such as Shanghai are facing the dual pressure of sustained and rapid growth of urban population and shrinking land resources. It is necessary to expedite the exploration of land-use methods that are compatible with society and economy, increase the efficiency of industrial land use, and provide sufficient space for high-quality urban development in China's large cities. Taking Shanghai as an example, this paper shows that the secondary development of industrial land in Shanghai has undergone three stages in the past 30 years, with the emphasis shifting from the renewal of state-owned industrial land in the central urban area, industrial structure adjustment and land-use upgrading in industrial parks, to the revitalization of stock land and secondary development. Currently, different models have been adopted for the secondary development of waste industrial land in urban centers, inefficient land in industrial parks, and scattered industrial land in suburban towns and villages. The secondary development of industrial land in Shanghai still has some problems, such as "chaotic" objects of secondary development, "high" land acquisition and storage costs and "weak" supporting service functions. The main reasons are the lack of a unified secondary development institution, imperfect relevant policies and laws, unclear benefit-sharing mechanism, and the disruption of supporting services. In this connection, the secondary development of stock industrial land in Shanghai should (1) adopt comprehensive planning and implement various trials on the premise of following some basic principles; (2) construct a multi-subject cooperation framework that takes into account the interests of all parties; (3) improve the land transfer system and eliminate development bottlenecks; and (4) improve incentives and incorporate countermeasures such as employee assessment mechanisms.
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