Brand Globalization, Country Brand Image, and the Spillover Effect of Within/Outside Product Category

  • HE Jia-xun ,
  • HUANG Hai-yang ,
  • HE Ying

Online published: 2020-11-23


Against the background of brand globalization and reverse COO(country of origin) effect in the emerging market of China, this paper explores the influence of global brand equity on country brand image and its spillover effect on consumer brand attitudes. The empirical analysis shows that perceived brand globality positively influences brand quality, brand prestige, and brand knowledge, which then positively affect basic country image, product country image, and category country image. Furthermore, compared with basic country image and product country image, category country image generates more spillover effect in driving consumer brand attitudes toward within product category, which further transfers into brand attitudes toward outside product category. On the whole, the above findings theoretically construct reverse and spillover paths of product brand equity on country brand equity, which in practice provide strategic guidance both for Chinese enterprises to promote brand globalization and for Chinese government to improve country brand image through business perspective.

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HE Jia-xun , HUANG Hai-yang , HE Ying . Brand Globalization, Country Brand Image, and the Spillover Effect of Within/Outside Product Category[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2020 , 52(6) : 137 -151 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.06.014


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