
On the Characteristics and Sustainable Development of China’s Real Estate Industry in the Post-Development Era

  • Yong-yue ZHANG ,
  • Jin-xing HU

Online published: 2021-11-25


2021 is the year when China’s two centennial goals meet and the beginning of China’s 14th Five-Year Plan. It is under this historical background that China’s real estate industry has entered the post-development era when the area of land purchase and the area of new construction of housing have reached the highest range. In the post-development era, the development of the real estate industry presents new important characteristics, including the stock housing transaction gradually becoming the main body of the housing market, the transformation from the profit model of providing “tangible products” and obtaining “capital gains” to providing “intangible services” and obtaining “cash flow income”, the innovation of business format and the enrichment of the real estate industry chain. In the post-development era, the driving force for the sustainable development of the real estate industry still exists. To better promote the high-quality and sustainable development of China’s real estate industry in this new condition, the government should optimize and improve the regulation policies while the real estate enterprises should make scientific decisions and promote innovation.

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Yong-yue ZHANG , Jin-xing HU . On the Characteristics and Sustainable Development of China’s Real Estate Industry in the Post-Development Era[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2021 , 53(6) : 143 -151 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.06.014


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