Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) >
Human Capital,Urban Social Inclusion and Career Development of China’s Floating Population
Accurately identifying the impacts of human capital on the career development of the floating population is an important engine for realizing the effective allocation of labor production factors, inclusive and integrated development of urban and rural areas and high-quality economic development. Based on the data of three periods of China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) from 2014 to 2018, the relationship between human capital, urban social inclusion and the career development of migrant population is empirically-investigated, and the heterogeneity of different unit systems and migration ranges is analyzed. The results show that internal human capital has a significant positive impact on the career development of the floating population, and its positive impact mainly focuses on the career prospects. External urban social inclusion can effectively improve the career development level of the floating population and strengthen the promoting effect of human capital on the career development of the floating population. Moreover, the positive moderating effect of social inclusion at the individual level on the career development is more obvious. Further study also finds that the human capital of collective private units and rural-urban upward floating population has a greater positive impact on their career development. The above conclusions provide an empirical reference for maintaining social equity, building an inclusive and harmonious society, realizing common prosperity and promoting coordinated and sustainable development of regions.
Chuan-jiang LIU , Dan ZHOU , Xue LI . Human Capital,Urban Social Inclusion and Career Development of China’s Floating Population[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2023 , 55(1) : 170 -184 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.01.016
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