A Study on the Goal, Principle and Model Selectionr of China's Rural Social Aid System

  • Xin-ping GUAN
  • Department of Social Work and Policy, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China

Received date: 2006-07-05

  Online published: 2006-11-30


As an important component of the entire rural social security system, the rural social aid system should possess a crucial position in the construction of our country's rural social security system. In the past twenty years its establishment was neglected more or less in our country's emphasis on strategic goals of economic reconstruction and social stability. However, under the current guidance of new development targets of "people-first, building up of a harmonious socialist society" and "building of a new socialist countryside, " the development of the rural social aid system is meeting a new opportunity. In accordance with our countryside's characteristics, we should focus on setting up a relatively comprehensive and system-coordinated rural social aid system, especially as soon as possible setting up a rural basic livelihood aid system including the system of rural residents' subsistence allowances and the system of "five allowance households."

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Xin-ping GUAN . A Study on the Goal, Principle and Model Selectionr of China's Rural Social Aid System[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2006 , 38(6) : 29 -35 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2006.06.005


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