About the Solicitation of Novels in Eastern Times in 1907

  • Zhi-mei LI

Received date: 2004-12-18

  Online published: 2005-03-25


In 1907 a notice of soliciting novels was published in the newspaper, Eastern Times. There were two novels selected. One was Shuang-lei-bei, and the other was Ci-die-ying. The solicitation was quite different from those of 1895 and 1902 in its demand of fictional contents and styles, which showed current trends and features of novels.

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Zhi-mei LI . About the Solicitation of Novels in Eastern Times in 1907[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2005 , 37(3) : 62 -67+123 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2005.03.009


1 觉我. 余之小说观[J]. 小说林(9), 1908.
2 "本馆征求小说"启事[J]. 图画日报(1), 1909-8-16.
3 胡适. 十七年的回顾[J]. 时报, 1921-10-10.
4 "募集小说"启事[J]. 小说林(1), 1907-2.
5 阿英 1980, 晚清小说史. 北京: 人民文学出版社.
