The Deposit < Loan Cost Constraint and the Credit Channel Transmission of Monetary Policy

  • Xian-cang FANG

Received date: 2003-10-17

  Online published: 2004-02-25


Owing to the risk aversion (hard credit risk constraint) and deposit preference of state-owned commercial banks, their credit supply is not sufficient, deposit demand is too big, and balance of their deposits to loans is enlarging. As a result, the transmission mechanism of credit channel of our country's monetary policy is not smooth under a condition of interest rate control. We should improve transmission mechanisms of the credit channel.

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Xian-cang FANG . The Deposit < Loan Cost Constraint and the Credit Channel Transmission of Monetary Policy[J]. Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2004 , 36(2) : 111 -118+124 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.02.017


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