
专业社会工作介入信访的运作机制以及发展困境 ———以上海市专业社工介入信访C 项目的个案服务为例

  • 1.华东师范大学社会发展学院,上海,200241;2.上海商学院文法学院,上海,200235

网络出版日期: 2015-03-20



On the Operation Mechanism and Development Dilemma of the Involvement of Professional Social Work in the Petition Mediation: A Case Study on the C Project in Shanghai

WU Tong & CHEN Bei-li

Online published: 2015-03-20


通过对城市中信访之“气”的生产机制进行揭示,本文认为通过社会力量化解“气”是非常有益的尝试。通过对上海社工介入信访调解C 项目的研究,文章发现在实际运作中,尽管社会力量介入信访取得一定成效,但是仍然存在诸多问题与不足,这主要是由于社工以及社会工作机构作为新兴的社会力量的价值没有得到项目委托方(地方政府)的正确认识,信访调处仍然停留在“打压———反弹”模式,并没有发生本质的变化。本文提出政府首先应该对于专业社会工作的价值和角色予以尊重和承认,改变原来解决信访矛盾的惯有方式,重视参与调处社会矛盾的社会力量的重要性,推动整个信访工作的发展,进而改进目前信访体制中的弊端。


吴同,陈蓓丽 . 专业社会工作介入信访的运作机制以及发展困境 ———以上海市专业社工介入信访C 项目的个案服务为例[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2015 , 47(2) : 92 -100 . DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.10005579.2015.02.012


With the projects that governmental departments purchase social work service to mediate petition as the research object, this thesis attempts to reveal the operation mechanism and development dilemma of district-neighborhood petition mediation mechanism via social work service. We shall admit that professional social work organizations have achieved a benign interaction between the state and society in terms of compliant letters and visits mediation, activated national administration resources and enhanced efficiency of petition mediation by linking to national organization networks via a series of regulations. Therefore, it is an exploratory and effective attempt for the mediation mechanism which aims to maintain social stability to adopt professional social work. Of course, both the consignor (government) and the consignee (social organizations) need to understand correctly and objectively the role and status of professional social work in dealing with petition and orientate precisely social work’s involving in order to maintain its professionality and legitimacy. Moreover, we should not limit the role of professional social work to the social conflicts that are difficult for the department of petition to deal with, but put the professional social work in a bigger mediation mechanism, endow it with more freedom and trust, promote the development of the overall work of petition and eventually correct the malpractices in current petition system.
