现有的解释动词动相结构有两种模型:单相模型和兼相模型。通过指出它们的不足后提出了刻画动词动相结构的一种新模型——链相模型,并以若干动词为例展开了论述,之后又针对和链相模型关系密切的若干问题作了论述或辨析。最后归纳出如下结论:动词的链相模型是把动词所含的各动相之间的关系看作概括反映了事件链的诸环节关系的解释性理论构造,它可以标写为“活动—→ 界变—→ 状态”的形式,在分析具体动词的动相结构之时,也可以标写为“V:【活动】、【界变】、【状态】”等。链相模型除了适用于分析多动相的兼相动词之外,也可以用来分析单相动词。
动词; 动相; 单相; 兼相; 链相; 事件链
After analyzing some disadvantages of the two usually applied models of mono aktionsart and double aktionsart, this paper suggests the model of chain aktionsart as a new model to depict the aktionsart structure of verb. The new model is discussed by means of analyzing some verbs and some relevant problems. As an explanatory theoretical construct, the model of chain aktionsart is founded on the idea that different types of aktionsart contained in a verb generally reflects different links (sub-events) of an event chain. The model can be formulated as ‘activity —→ transition —→ state’, or as ‘V: 【activity】, 【transition】, 【state】’ in analyzing the aktionsart structure of a specific verb. The model of chain aktionsart can be applied to a verb with double or mono aktionsart.