

  • 中央民族大学哲学与宗教学学院北京 100081

网络出版日期: 2015-09-17

On Differences and Similarities of the Cultivation Stages in Tibetan and Chinese Buddhism

FENG Tian-chun

Online published: 2015-09-17


藏传佛教修道次第的主体构架为“三士道”,依下士道、中士道、上士道之先后进阶建立。 而汉传佛教修道次第为“圆乘道”,由圆成、圆摄、圆通三大原则平等统属。 经梳理、诠释、比照,发现二者存在明显的 “五异五同”:五异者,根乘判分、体系结构、繁简渐顿、内容偏向、密法比重;五同者,判教之实、判说依据、核心元素、通含诸法、中观唯识。 然所谓异同仅相对而言。 藏汉佛教修道次第的结构、内容、体制等极为复杂,常相互对破、融通,更多问题须在具体语境下才能清晰辨分。


冯天春 . 论藏汉佛教修道次第之异同[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2015 , 47(4) : 122 -128 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.04.016


The doctrine of the cultivation stages of Tibetan Buddhism is characterized by “the paths of the three levels of learners”, that is, the path of learners at lower level, that of those at middle level and that of those at upper level. By contrast, the doctrine of the cultivation stages of Chinese Buddhism is characterized by “the perfect path” with three principles of equal significance, that is, the principle of perfect achievement, that of perfect conclusion, and that of perfect fusion. By analyzing, interpreting and comparing, this paper finds that there are prominent “five differences and five similarities” between these two Buddhist traditions. Five differences lie in the judgment and division of teachings, systematic structure, the degree of complexity and the emphasis on sudden enlightenment or gradual cultivation, contents, and the proportion of the practice of Tantrism. Five similarities lie in the practice of judging and distinguishing Buddhist teaching, the criteria of such judgment, core elements, comprehension of teachings, and the perspectives of Madhyamaka and Yogacara. However, the differences and similarities are relative. The structures, contents and systems of Tibetan and Chinese Buddhism are so complex that sometimes they are opposite to each other while sometimes similar to each other and many questions can only be clarified in particular contexts.
