近年来,商业健康保险受到社会广泛关注。 虽然商业健康保险利国利民,但是高赔付的现状一直困扰各大保险公司,风险控制成为其运营的核心和关键。 国内外学者现有的研究成果大都集中于对其风险控制的定性分析研究,而尝试从定量角度将博弈理论运用到该领域的风险控制研究中并构建风险控制博弈模型,可以更深入地揭示其商业健康保险风险控制的规律。 基于博弈模型及均衡结果,处于整个业务进程的核心地位的保险公司在风险控制方面应提升专业化经营水平、强化监管成本的控制,科学地制定诚信奖励和失信惩罚机制,以强化自身风险控制能力;同时,改变对医疗提供商和被保险人的监管模式,由事后监管转变为事前和事中监管。
In recent years, commercial health insurance has received extensive social attention. Although commercial health insurance is beneficial to the state and citizens, current situation of high compensation is a problem that haunts big insurance companies, so risk control becomes the core in companies’ operation. Different from most qualitative studies at home and abroad, this paper, applying the theory of gaming from a perspective of quantity, construct a risk control gaming model so as to reveal the rules of the risk control of commercial health insurance at a deep level. The gaming model and balanced results show that insurance companies in the core positions of the entire business process shall enhance their ability of risk control by promoting their professional operating level, strengthening the control of supervision cost, and scientifically establishing the mechanism of credit rewarding and crack credit punishment. Meanwhile, they also shall change the supervision pattern of medical care providers and the assured, shifting from the supervision after event to the supervision before and in the mid of event.