

  • 华东师范大学古籍研究所,上海, 200241

网络出版日期: 2015-09-17


本文系国家社科基金重大项目“朱子学文献整理与研究”( 11&ZD087 )阶段性成果之一。

The Research of the Association between ZHU Xi and WANG Huai

GU Hong-yi

Online published: 2015-09-17


对于朱熹与丞相王淮之关系,因淳熙九年朱熹弹劾唐仲友及此后王淮反“道学”之事,故世人多着眼于两人间之交恶纷争,而对朱、王两人此前的密切交往却甚少关注。 依据朱熹致王淮的书信以及相关史料,可以探考两人的交游始末。 淳熙八年九月,因宰相王淮举荐,朱熹改除提举浙东常平公事。 据朱熹《建宁府崇安县五夫社仓记》记载,王淮对于朱熹的救荒措施颇为赏识,此时两人关系亦当甚为融洽。 其后,因朱熹弹劾唐仲友一事,两人再无往来。

关键词: 朱熹; 王淮; 浙东; 救荒; 唐仲友


顾宏义 . 朱熹与王淮交游考略[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2015 , 47(4) : 129 -132 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.04.017


Regarding the relationship between ZHU Xi and the prime minister WANG Huai, the scholars always focus on their disputes and bad association after ZHU Xi impeached TANG Zhong-you in the ninth year of Chunxi and then WANG Huai opposed the doctrine of the Dao. However, very few people has paid attention to their intimate association before these events. We can learn the whole process of their association based on the letters from ZHU Xi to WANG Huai and other related historical records. In September of the eighth year Chunxi, thanks to WANG Huai’s recommendation, ZHU Xi was promoted to the manage the official granary in east Zhejiang. According to ZHU Xi’s Notes on Establishing Wufu Granary in Chong’an County, Jianning Prefecture, WANG Huai spoke highly of ZHU’s measures of reliving famine at that time. We can see that they had a very good relationship. However, they did not contact each other anymore after ZHU Xi impeached TANG Zhong-you .
