
晏 殊 平 议
— —兼论晏殊作品的评价问题

  • 华东师范大学对外汉语学院,上海, 200062

网络出版日期: 2015-09-17

On YAN Shu: The Evaluation of YAN Shu’s Literary Works as Well

SHAO Ming-zhen

Online published: 2015-09-17


过去对晏殊及其词的评价,存在着严重的偏见。 从晏殊的仕宦经历入手,可以对晏殊的政治品德以及在庆历新政与兴学中的历史作用作一厘清。 晏殊一生并非“富贵显达”、“仕途顺利”,反而因为“赋性刚峻”而“屡遭拂逆”。 从政五十年,约有十六年时间在贬谪或者外放中度过。 庆历新政(庆历兴学)时期,在政治和人事安排上支持改革,是范仲淹、富弼等改革派的有力支持者;晏殊积极崇教兴学,是欧阳修等兴复古道,崇尚韩、柳,进行诗文革新的先导。 晏殊在诗文词方面都取得了不凡的成就,对当时文坛起了积极的示范作用。 历来学界仅仅以他的词来评价晏殊的创作成就并不合适。 而对晏殊词的评价,也有必要从多个方面作新的认识。


邵明珍 . 晏 殊 平 议
— —兼论晏殊作品的评价问题[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2015
, 47(4) : 133 -142 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.04.018


The remarks on YAN Shu and his ci poems in the past are highly prejudiced. Starting from YAN Shu’s official experience, this paper makes some clarifications on his political character and the role he played in Qingli Reform and Education Promotion Movement. He was not “noble” or “successful in career” all his life, but was actually “repeatedly struck down” due to his “upright and outspoken character”. During his fifty years in political activities, he spent about sixteen years either in relegation or exile. During Qingli Reform, he promoted the reform by arranging personnel in politics, provided strong support for the reformists such as FAN Zhong-yan and FU Bi, and actively advocated education. Meanwhile, he was one of the pioneers in the Restoring-to-the-Ancient Movement led by OUYANG Xiu and in the Poetry and Essay Innovation Movement led by HAN Yu and LIU Zong-yuan. His extraordinary achievements in poetry and essays played a positive role in the literary circle at that time. It is not appropriate for the later academia to evaluate his achievements only according to his ci poems. It is also necessary to re-recognize his ci poems from many aspects.
