真理问题是现代中国哲学的核心主题之一,因其关涉科学与人文、认识论与本体论的对立或统一问题。 关于真理的本质,冯契接受实践论的真理符合论,认为真理是指主观与客观、认识与实在的一致,即知与物的符合。 这种符合所呈现的具体真理,一方面可用辩证的逻辑思维来把握,另一方面可用命题的形式予以正确性的陈述。 同时,冯契阐述了真理的具体性与自由性,前者指真理具有客观的、全面的、历史的和相对的特性,后者指真理的客观性是与此在的存在相联系的,体现在存在者的性与天道之契合中。 由此,真理既合乎自然的规律性,又合乎人类的目的性,是自然原则与人道原则的统一。 基于这样的认识,冯契认为科学与人文、认识论与本体论是统一而非对立的,其统一的知识形态就是智慧。
Relevant to the relationship between natural sciences and humanities as well as that between epistemology and ontology, the issue of truth is one of the core subjects in modern Chinese philosophy. Regarding the essence of truth, FENG Qi accepts the correspondence theory based on practice, believing that truth means the unity of subjectivity and objectivity and the correspondence of cognition and reality or things. Such concrete truth manifested in the correspondence can be grasped by dialectical logic thinking on the one hand, and correctly stated in the form of propositions on the other. Meanwhile, FENG Qi elaborates on the concreteness and freedom of truth, claiming that truth is objective, comprehensive, historical and relative, and the objectivity of truth lies in the coherence of human nature and the Dao of nature (tian dao). In this sense, truth is in accordance with both natural laws and the purpose of humans, demonstrating the unity of the principle of nature and the principle of humanity. Hence, FENG Qi argues that in wisdom we will realize the unity between natural sciences and humanities and that between epistemology and ontology.