上世纪 90 年代以来以中国为代表的一组新兴经济体内部“国家—社会—市场”复合体发生的性质变化直接影响到这些国家对于国际治理的系统偏好。 新兴经济体的最重要共性是国家在经济活动中占据重要作用,但这一轮的“国家资本主义”既不是简单重复历史上已有的国家资本主义实践,也没有单纯寻求融入自己成长的新自由主义大环境;冷战后的国家资本主义呈现出“融入式挑战”的两重性。 新兴经济的内在性质将反映在他们对世界秩序的需求上,不断推动一组与自由资本主义秩序相互独立、但不直接竞争的“平行体系”。
This paper examines the relations between major emerging economies’ domestic “state-society-market” complex and their demands for international regime and global governance. Building on the “Varieties of Capitalism” literature, it argues that relative to both the previous catch-up economies and the current leading regimes of capitalism, state plays a unique role in the domestic complex in the emerging economies. That unique role makes the national systems of capitalism in these emerging economies different from both historical patterns of “state capitalism” and neo-liberalism in the post Cold War period. In particular, the state is in command of new tools and instruments to control and coordinate the behavior of national capital, making it possible for a genuine model of national development to emerge. Along several policy dimensions, these emerging economies, represented particularly by China, are demanding non-liberal regime in global governance without a full-scale challenge to current institutional structure of the global system. Thus, the nature of domestic complex state capitalism among emerging economies foresees the prevalence of a set of “parallel structures” to existing western-dominated liberal structures in global governance.