“一带一路”战略的实施,使得区域经济协作趋势加强,更为化解相关产业产能过剩问题提供了重要的机遇。 以产能过剩问题相对突出的钢铁业为例,从国外需求拉动角度应用 UNCOMTRADE 商品贸易数据微观分析发现,我国向“一路”沿线国家的出口额明显要高于“一带”国家,“一路”沿线国家及“一带”沿线发展中国家应是未来一段时期过剩钢铁商品主要的潜在出口市场。 从过剩产能海外转移的供给角度,应用经济发展基础指标、全球治理指标、经济自由度指数等制度环境质量指标,综合考虑各国经济发展战略、与中国的产业互补性及政治关系进行分析后发现,“一带一路”沿线发展中国家投资机会较多,但应控制投资风险。结合“一带一路”战略要求,基于贸易基础和投资机会的探讨,有关方面应从基础设施建设、贸易促进及投资平台搭建、增强互信、化解风险等方面采取措施,促进我国钢铁业过剩产能的化解。
The implementation of “One Belt, One Road” strategy will greatly promote the development of regional economic integration. Taking iron and steel industry whose overcapacity is prominent and which is important to the development of national economy as an example, this paper finds that China’s export to “One Road” countries is significantly higher than that of “One Belt” countries. “One Road” countries and the developing countries along the “One Belt” should be mainly potential export market in the future. From the supply perspective of international transfer of overcapacity, this paper also explores the opportunity for investment cooperation for the specific surplus products in iron and steel industry with countries along the “One Belt, One Road” by application of the institutional environmental quality index such as the economic development indicator, global governance indicator and economic freedom index. Taking consideration of country strategy for economic development, industrial complementarities and political relations with China, this paper finds that the developing countries along the “One Belt, One Road” have more investment opportunities, but the potential risk shall be controlled. Analyzing the requirement of “One Belt, One Road” strategy on the one hand and the basis for trade and investment opportunity on the other, this paper proposes to resolve overcapacity in iron and steel industry by building infrastructure construction, trade and investment platform, enhancing mutual trust and avoiding risks.