近年来不同学科对认同问题的讨论很多,但在历史学内部,较为引人注意的是与美国“新清史” 有关的讨论,以及美国《近代中国》“华琛专号”引发的讨论,这些讨论是与海内外中国研究对多元性的重视及对大一统机制的探讨直接相关的。 移民传说是讨论地域认同的一个切入点,它是 16 — 18 世纪地域认同不断扩展、也即明清国家形成的重要表征。 无论是对认同问题的讨论,还是对明清国家形成的认识,都应被置于一个具体的历史情境和时空过程中。
There have been heated discussions around the topic of identity in different disciplines in recent years. Concerning the study of history, particular attention has been paid to the discussion on “new History of the Qing Dynasty”, as well as the dispute on the special issue of James Watson in the America-based Modern China, which are directly related to the stress on the diversification and the inquiries into the mechanism of unification in the China studies at home and aboard. The immigrant stories could be a breakthrough point for the discussion on the regional identity. They were important representation of the development of regional identity, namely, the formation of Ming-Qing states from the 16th to 18th centuries. However, both the discussion on identity and the analysis of the formation of Ming-Qing states should be put in a concrete historical context and a spatio-temporal process.