

  • 杨国荣
  • 华东师范大学哲学系,上海,200241

网络出版日期: 2015-11-01


本文基于2015 年6 月28 日作者在举行于北京大学的“重构中的儒学”学术会议上的发言记录,部分内容曾刊于《文汇报》,全文在此首次刊出。本文的研究同时纳入国家社科基金重大项目“中国文化的认知基础与结构研究”(项目号:10&ZD064)、教育部基地重大研究项目“实践智慧:历史与理论”(项目号:11JJD720004),以及上海社科创新基地项目“文化观念与核心价值”。

Original Form, Historical Differentiation and Future Trends of Confucianism: From the Perspectives of “Ren” and “Li”

  • YANG Guo-Rong
YANG Guo-Rong

Online published: 2015-11-01



关键词: 儒学; ;


杨国荣 . 儒学:本然形态,历史分化与未来走向
 ——以“仁”与“礼”为视域[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2015
, 47(5) : 1 -8 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.05.001


The original form of Confucianism is the unity of “ren” (humaneness) and “li” (behavioral propriety). Ren involves not only universal principles of value but our internal spiritual world as well. At the level of value principles, ren is essentially to affirm human beings’ value; while in the internal spiritual world ren is manifested in the forms of personality, virtue and realm of existence, etc. On the contrary, li is often embodied in real social codes and social systems. As social codes, li can be regarded as basic norms that guide social life and social behaviors; as social systems, li is embodied in various social organizations, including political systems. In terms of their relationship, ren and li are related and mutually permeable, which constitutes the initiative state of Confucianism. In the historical process, Confucianism experienced its historical differentiation, especially the division of ren and li. As to develop Confucianism nowadays, the main issue is how to return to the original form of the unity of ren and li at a higher historical level. Returning to the unity of ren and li doesn’t mean to restore its past state. In contrast, such returning shall develop ren and li in new historical conditions. On the one hand, free personality and real norms, individual sphere and public sphere, harmony and justice shall be unified from the perspectives of ren and li; on the other, the unity of ren and li achieves its new significance under present context. This understanding of Confucianism also presents the rational spirit in a broad sense.
