

  • 戴超武
  • 华东师范大学冷战史国际研究中心;上海;200664

网络出版日期: 2015-11-01

ZHANG Jing-wu’s Telegram on October 21, 1953 and Its Significance

  • DAI Chao-Wu
DAI Chao-Wu

Online published: 2015-11-01


1953年10月21日,西藏工委以中央驻藏代表张 经武 的名义,发给外交部一份题为“关于中印在西藏关系之诸问题”的电报。这一电报是西藏工委根据中共中央的指示,在较为充分调研的基础上完成的,为中央了解和掌握印度在西藏的既有权益,即将开始的有关西藏问题的中印谈判提供了必不可少的情报。张经武电报的重要意义还在于:建言中央在谈判中首先解决同印度的边界问题。中央在1954年同印度谈判时并未接受这一建议,体现了在处理中印边界问题上的“暂维现状”政策。中国的这一政策由这一时期中印关系的不对称性所决定的,对中印边界争端的演变产生了重要的影响。


戴超武 . 中央驻藏代表张经武1953年10月21日电报探析 
――兼论中国处理边界问题的“暂维现状”政策及其影响[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2015
, 47(5) : 53 -68 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2015.05.006


ZHANG Jing-wu, the Central Government representative in Lhasa, submitted a telegram to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on October 21, 1953. The telegram, which was prepared for the forthcoming negotiation on Sino-Indian relations in Tibet, not only provided the information about Indian privileges in Tibet, but suggested that priority of negotiation should be the issue of border disputes. The suggestion had not been adopted by the Central Government. China and India had no talks on their border issues in their negotiation on Tibet in 1954. China’s delay strategy with regard to border disputes was heavily shaped by the asymmetrical salience of bilateral relations. India’s unique role as the major channel between China and the West and China’s dependence on Indian export necessities to Tibet were the most relevant factors precluding Beijing from responding effectively to the Indian occupation of territories in the southern Himalayas. Such delay strategy has significant and complicated impacts on China’s settlement of its border disputes with neighboring countries.
