

  • 王元化(著),夏中义(笺疏)
  • 上海交通大学中文系,上海,200240
王元化(著) 夏中义(笺疏)

网络出版日期: 2015-11-01

Annotations on WANG Yuanhuas “A Lecture on ‘Wenfu’”

  • WANG Yuan-Hua-(Zhu-) Xia-Zhong-Yi-(Jian-Shu-)
WANG Yuan-Hua-(Zhu-) Xia-Zhong-Yi-(Jian-Shu-)

Online published: 2015-11-01


关注王元化(1920—2008)思想学术的海内外同仁,皆晓元化曾在1960 年代著书《文心雕龙创作论》,却很少人知道元化更心仪陆机《文赋》。将元化2002 年那个“文赋讲义”(据现场录音整理)校勘成文且笺疏,目的有两个:其一,郑重打捞及披露这篇未被《王元化集》所辑录的佚文,意在表明它实是系统评估元化文论演化时不宜疏略的学术史文献;其二,从讲义对《文赋》“伫中区以玄览”的现代释义,可见元化即使到新世纪初,他凝视文艺创作心理时的路子,并未真正走出他在“文革”前诠释《文心雕龙》时所遵照的苏联理论模式。


王元化(著),夏中义(笺疏) . 王元化“文赋讲义”笺疏[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2015 , 47(5) : 167 -172 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000--5579.2015.05.017


Scholars both at home and abroad who are interested in WANG Yuanhuas thought are familiar with his Creation Theory of Wenxin Diaolong written in the 1960s, but few of them know his favor of LU Jis “Wenfu”. There are two reasons to transcribe the recordings of his “A Lecture on ‘Wenfu’” in 2002 and make annotations: first, this lecture, which has not yet been included in the Collected Works of WANG Yuanhua, is really important for the evolution of WANGs literary theory; second, his interpretation of the sentence of “taking his position at the hub of things so as to contemplate the mystery of the universe” in “Wenfu” tells us that even in the new century, WANGs literary theory has not been free from the Soviet model, which he followed in his interpretation of Wenxin Diaolong before the Cultural Revolution.
