1945年抗战胜利后,陪都重庆国民政府决定以国家的名义在世界反法西斯战争和中国抗日战争胜利日举办全国性的胜利庆典,并颁布《庆祝胜利实施办法》,令全国各地一体遵行?重庆率先成立“陪都各界庆祝胜利大会筹备会”,并于9月3日在较场口举行盛大的胜利庆典?上海随即成立“上海市各界庆祝抗战胜利大会筹备委员会”,并在戈登路(今江宁路)65 号设立筹委会办事处,具体负责上海市胜利庆典的筹备事宜?后因盟军?国军及上海市行政负责人于胜利日尚未抵沪,上海的“祝胜”大典遂推迟到10月10日与双十节合并举办?庆典在跑马厅举行,场面之壮观,气氛之热烈,前所未有?这是上海在租界收回?市政统一之后首度举办的全市性“祝胜”大典,也是首次以国家的名义在上海举办的旷世盛典?有关这个盛典,迄今尚未引起学界足够的重视,本文以上海为中心,依据相关档案和报刊资料,对这一盛典的筹备?举办的具体过程略作钩沉,并藉此讨论庆典与政治之关系?
After the victory of Anti-Japanese War in 1945, the national government in the secondary capital Chongqing decided to hold a nationwide celebration ceremony of the victory under the name of the nation on World Anti- Fascist War and China’s Anti-Japanese War Victory Day and issued Implementation of Celebration Ceremony nationwide. Chongqing was the first to establish “Celebration Ceremony Preparatory Committee in the Secondary Capital” and held a grand ceremony in Jiaochangkou on September 3rd. Immediately after that, “Celebration Ceremony Preparatory Committee in Shanghai”, with its office on No. 65, Gedeng Road (today’s Jiangning Road), was established to prepare for the celebration ceremony in Shanghai. However, the ceremony in Shanghai was postponed to October 10th because the administrators of the allied armies, national armies and Shanghai municipal government failed to arrive in Shanghai on the Victory Day. The ceremony was held in Shanghai Race Club with unprecedented spectacular scene and fervent atmosphere. It was the first grandest civil “celebration” ceremony as well as an outstanding ceremony under the name of the nation held in Shanghai after the withdrawal of concessions and the unity of municipal authorities. However, the ceremony has not aroused enough attention of scholars up to now. Focusing on Shanghai, this paper explores the preparation and concrete process of the ceremony and discusses the relationship between the celebration ceremony and politics based on related archives and other materials.