上海话的“叫/ 让/ 拨”都能表示使役,不过,它们分别表示不同的使役?论文对此提出了新的归类及其理据?论文主要就“拨”由本来的给予义扩展为被动的语法化问题进行了探讨?通过对语料的调查和分析后论证了“拨”是经由否定的使役(即不许可)扩展为被动的?从语义上看,只有表示不许可的“拨”才既有使役的解读,又有被动的解读?正是因为它们在语义上的连接才促使“拨”成为使役和被动标记的?
“Jiao34/nian23/bek5” are all causative markers in Shanghai dialect, but the causative meanings they represent are different. This paper argues for a new classification of the markers’ causative types and discusses the grammaticalization of “bek5???”, whose meaning extends from ‘providing’ to passive. We analyze corpus data and hold that it is through negative causative factors (i.e. non-permission) that “bek5???” acquires its passive meaning. Only “bek5???” that denotes non-permission has both causative and passive interpretations. This semantic connection is crucial to why “bek5” can function both as a causative and a passive marker.