


网络出版日期: 2016-07-06

FENG Qi and the Debate of “the Past versus the Present and the Chinese versus the Western” (A Symposium)

YANG Guo rong, TONG Shi jun, ZHAO Xiu yi,CHEN Wei ping, WANG Lu and YU Zhen hua

Online published: 2016-07-06




杨国荣;童世骏;赵修义;陈卫平;王路;郁振华 . 冯契与古今中西之争(笔谈)[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2016 , 48(3) : 2 -2 . DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.03.001


As the leading issue in Chinas modern times, “Whither China?” culturally manifests in the debate of “the Past versus the Present and the Chinese versus the Western”. FENG Qis doctrine of wisdom is a creative achievement in solving this debate at the philosophical level. In this doctrine, “Whither China?” not only serves as the backdrop of philosophical thinking but wins philosophical connotation as well. As a modern development of Chinese philosophy, FENGs doctrine of wisdom has also made contribution to world philosophy. On the one hand, FENGs value theory “with grounds” responds to the economic issues concerned by Chinese society; on the other, as a unique philosophical system, it also takes part in the intellectual disputation of different schools in the whole world. From the literary creation in his youth and his later philosophical writing especially the construction of the philosophical system in his old ages, FENG has been in pursuit of an ideal unity of truth, good and beauty and a free personality. Concerning the intellectual and academic context, FENG Qi not only follows but also promotes the approach of his mentor JIN Yuelin. FENG wishes that modern Chinese philosophy could learn from and integrate itself into world philosophy based on the summary of the debate of “the Past versus the Present and the Chinese versus the Western”. Accordingly, based on recent twenty years academic accumulation, the study of FENG Qis thought shall move forward in the context of the world and the future.
