

  • 上海财经大学公共经济与管理学院,上海,200433;桂林航天工业学院能源与建筑环境学院,广西桂林,541004

网络出版日期: 2016-10-16



The Settlement Willingness of New Generation of Migrant Workers in the Third- and Fourth-tier Cities as well as Its Influential Elements: Base on the Data from Dynamic Monitoring of the Floating Population in Yangtze River Delta

WANG Wei & CHEN Jie & AI Wei-yi

Online published: 2016-10-16




王伟,陈杰,艾玮依 . 新生代农民工在三四线城市定居意愿及其影响机制研究*——基于2014年长三角地区流动人口动态监测数据的考察[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2016 , 48(4) : 30 -37 . DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.04.003


The urbanization of migrant workers is key to China’s social transformation from traditional agricultural society to modern urban society. To explore how personality, economic and professional mobility features, housing and social security, urban features and other elements influence new generation of migrant workers’ willingness to settle in the third- and fourth-tier cities of China, this paper makes cross-tabulation comparison and applies logistic regression model based on the micro-level data from the 2014 Dynamic Monitoring of the Floating Population in Yangtze River Delta, which is compiled by the NHFPC (National Health and Family Planning Committee) of the PRC. The result shows that: married migrants, aged 28 to 35 years old, with decent wages and business foundation, already owning homes and supported by social security to some extent, are more willing to settle in the local cities; industrial structure in the third- and fourth-tier cities of Yangtze River Delta is not attractive enough to trans-provincial migrants; domestic urban division system has made the new generation of migrant workers reluctant to settle in small cities. These findings will provide a new perspective to understand how government shall guide the new generation of migrant workers to settle in the third- and fourth-tier cities and help them realize their “urban dreams”.

