使用CGSS 2013 年的数据分析新生代农民工在务工地的住房来源和住房质量,并运用多元有序Logistic 和无序多分类logistic 模型对新生代农民工住房选择的影响因素进行分析,其结果显示:女性和受教育程度越高者,越偏向选择质量较好的社区居住,年龄因素对新生代农民工的购房和租房均具有正面的影响,子女随迁的新生代农民工更愿意在务工地长期发展和定居,更倾向于质量高的住房;参加社会养老保险有利于抵御未来不确定性风险,对新生代农民工的住房选择有积极正面的影响;职业种类越好的新生代农民工越倾向于在务工地租房和购房。由此可见,进一步推动户籍制度改革,完善包括养老、教育、医疗等在内的社会保障体系,逐渐实现住房保障在城乡间的一体化,将有助于推动新生代农民工住房问题的有效解决。
This paper analyzes the housing sources and housing quality of the new generation of migrant workers in their service sites through the General Social Survey data (CGSS2013). Based on the ordered logistic model and multinomial logistic model, this paper also examines the influential factors of housing choice of the new generation of migrant workers. The result shows that women and people with higher education prefer to live in a community with good quality, and the element of age has a positive influence on house purchasing and renting. Also, the new generation of migrant workers whose children are migrated together are more likely to settle in their service sites and buy the houses with high quality. Social endowment insurance, which can help workers resist the risks of uncertainty, is positive to housing choice. The new generation of migrant workers is more likely to buy or rent houses in their service sites if they have better occupations. Therefore, promoting the reform of the household registration system, perfecting the social security system of pension, education and medical treatment, and realizing the urban-rural integration of housing security gradually – all these practices will help to effectively solve housing problems of the new generation of migrant workers.