

  • 冯筱才
  • 华东师范大学历史系,上海,200241

网络出版日期: 2016-10-16


本文系国家社科基金项目“战时浙江温州的经济贸易与社会变迁研究(1937—1945)”(15BZS130)的阶段性成果,本文研究亦得到香港特别行政区大学教育资助委员会第五轮卓越学科领域计划之“中国社会的历史人类学研究”(AoE/ H01/ 08)的支持。

“Dragging Kerosene Tanks”: The Ritual and Politics of Rice Riots and in Wenzhou in Modern Times

  • FENG Xiao-cai
FENG Xiao-cai

Online published: 2016-10-16


“拖洋油箱”是清末民国时期温州闹米风潮爆发时的一种仪式行动,抗议者用此方法来推动罢市,并对官府、富绅与粮商等造成压力,希望能解决口粮困难。闹米风潮的出现,在近代温州与轮粜制的衰微、“漏海”指控、粮食统购压力等有密切关系,也与各种地方权力派系斗争纠缠在一起。地方政府对风潮的应对,可以反映统治方式及官民关系的嬗变。1940 年代国民党政府的粮食政策,与此前政策有重大差异,随着政府对粮食征收力度的增强,闹米风潮越来越频繁地发生,抗议也日趋政治化、组织化,“拖洋油箱”最终成为当局禁止的行为。


冯筱才 . “拖洋油箱”:近代温州闹米风潮的仪式与政治[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2016 , 48(4) : 101 . DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000-5579.2016.04.011


“Dragging kerosene tanks” was a ritual in the rice riots happened in Wenzhou between the late Qing Dynasty and the period of the Republic of China. Hoping to solve the food shortage, the protesters used this ritual to promote the strike and bring pressure to the government, gentry and food merchants. The rice riots were closely related to the decline of the system of selling rice in turn, the charge of “sea leaking” and food purchase pressure, and meanwhile were entangled with the struggles of different political powers in modern Wenzhou. The local government’s coping of the riots reflected the change of administration and that of the relationship between the official and the civil. In 1940s, the food policy adopted by the Kuomintang government was quite different from previous policies. With the strengthening of grain tax, rice riots happened more and more frequently and they became more and more organized and politicalized, so that “dragging kerosene tanks” was finally prohibited by the authorities.

