

  • 杨蓉 ,
  • 罗昆
  • 1. 华东师范大学经济与管理学部, 上海 200241;
    2. 安徽建筑大学, 安徽 230601

网络出版日期: 2017-03-23


国家自然科学基金项目“大学治理、 财务管理和价值增值的关系研究”(项目号:71573090);国家社科基金项目“规范垄断行业企业高管薪酬问题研究”(项目号:09BJY031);教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目“公平偏好、参照点效应与国企高管薪酬研究”(项目号:15YJC630087);安徽省人文社科研究项目重点课题“外部治理、参照点效应与高管薪酬研究”(项目号:SK2015A300)。

Will the New Executive Get Higher Compensation?: From the Empirical Evidence of Peer Reference Effect

  • YANG Rong ,
  • LUO Kun

Online published: 2017-03-23




杨蓉 , 罗昆 . 新任高管、同业参照效应与高管薪酬增长[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2017 , 49(2) : 163 -172 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.02.017


Based on the institutional environment of China, this paper uses the 2008—2014 data of China's A-share listed companies to explore how to adjust its executive compensation contract and whether the company will promote the growth of executive compensation. We find out that there is a peer reference effect in the contracts of executive compensation, the new executives positively associates with executive compensation growth, and the company which has a new executive event will tend to use the peer reference effect to improve the level of executive compensation. Moreover, this tendency is stronger when the new executives come from outside and the former executives are abnormal turnover. The research of this paper is of great theoretical and practical significance to providing reference for the reform of the state-owned enterprise executives, and to deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises.


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