网络出版日期: 2017-09-28
The Constructed “Fear Memory”:An Analysis of the Daily Life Experience of Japanese in Shanghai
中村贵 . 被建构的“恐惧记忆”——来自在沪日本人的日常生活体验分析[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2017 , 49(5) : 62 -69 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2017.05.008
Japanese who live in Shanghai have been greatly affected both as individuals and groups by the 2012 anti-Japan demonstration. "Feeling fear" is the main narrative of this event,and their "fear memory" was mainly the psychological reaction to what happened "now and here",and later it was turned into the body memory.The irritative and biased reports from Japanese media have greatly terrified "Japanese in Japan".Therefore,the "fear memory" of "Japanese in Japan" is constructed by Japanese media,so in a sense it is a kind of "imagined fear".We can see "fear in physical memory" and "fear in imagination" in the fear of this event.However,Japanese who live in Shanghai that the author interviewed keep a cool mind towards this event and keep distance to politics.Through their narration of the incident,we can find that there exist "cross groups" living between the two countries,who feel sympathy with each other.In addition,some Japanese even emphasize that China and Japan are "neighbors separated only by a strip of water" and wish a friendly relationship between the two countries.This wish is "voiced" after living in Shanghai where Japanese have contacted with Chinese frequently in daily life for a long time.
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