近年来,关于"道统"问题的研究取得了丰硕成果。美国学者蔡涵墨(Charles Hartman)新发现的一篇文献为宋代道统说的发生、发展以及朱子道统论深层文化、政治的探索,提供了重要的线索与依据。"道统"一词所包含的一个重要概念是儒家思想、文化、学说的传递。一般认为,孟子是清晰勾勒儒家道统的第一人,韩愈则对儒家道统传承作出了明确的界定,而朱子则是儒家道统论的集大成者。朱子的道统说把孔子的地位提升到尧舜之上,并刻意把"道"与"势"作切割,标志着宋代士大夫主体意识由觉醒而趋于成熟。在朱子的道统谱系中,二程具有非常重要的地位。他认程氏兄弟为道统的直接承续者,从而确立了道学(理学)在儒家道统传续的整个谱系中的正宗与主导地位。从此,关于道统传承的纷争归于一统,道学在整个儒学发展中的地位得以确立。与此相应,道学家也取得了道统乃至整个儒学系统中的话语权。朱子确认自己是二程的继任者,确定自己是道统的继承人。由此,道统谱系的最后一环被扣上,宋代的道统谱系得以最后完成。于是,捍卫孔门道统的纯正便成了朱子一生当仁不让的使命。
In recent years, research on the doctrine of daotong, that is, the "transmission of Confucian orthodox teachings", has been quite fruitful. The new discovery of a document by Charles Hartman, an American scholar, provides important clues and proofs for the generation and development of the doctrine of daotong in the Song Dynasty on the one hand and the deep cultural and political implication in ZHU Xi's doctrine of daotong. One of the important aspects of daotong is the transmission of Confucian culture, thought and theories. It is generally believed that Mencius was the first person who clearly delineated Confucian daotong, HAN Yu then gave it a clear definition, and ZHU Xi completed it. Promoting the status of Confucius above Yao and Shun, and deliberately distinguishing dao from situational potentiality, ZHU Xi's doctrine of daotong demonstrated that the subjectivity consciousness of the intellectuals in the Song Dynasty became mature from awakening. The CHENG brothers occupy a very important position in ZHU Xi's doctrine of daotong. For ZHU Xi, the CHENG brothers were the direct inheritors of Confucian daotong, thus establishing the authentic and dominant position of the learning of Dao(Neo-Confucianism) in the whole lineage of Confucian daotong. From then on, the dispute about daotong was solved. Correspondingly, Neo-Confucians also obtained the power of discourse in daotong and even the whole Confucianism. ZHU Xi affirmed that he was the successor to the CHENG brothers. In this way, he completed the whole lineage of daotong in the Song Dynasty. Thus, defending the purity and authority of Confucian daotong became his inescapable mission in ZHU Xi's whole life.