

  • 欧丽慧 ,
  • 颜炳瑾 ,
  • 许鑫
  • 1. 华东师范大学经济与管理学部专业学位教育中心;
    2. 华东师范大学经济与管理学部工商管理学院;
    3. 华东师范大学经济与管理学部工商管理学院

网络出版日期: 2018-05-22

Progress, Hot Spots and Frontiers of MBA Research: An Analysis Based on Knowledge Map

  • OU Li-hui ,
  • YAN Bing-jin ,
  • XU Xin

Online published: 2018-05-22


利用CitespaceV知识图谱软件对Web of Science数据库中30年来(1988—2017年)国际MBA领域研究的相关文献进行计量分析,通过可视化方式直观展示其研究进展和热点演变,可以发现,从1988年至今该领域研究文献数量整体呈增长趋势,尤其在2008—2014年有了突破性的增长;各国在该领域研究中的发文数量差异较大,美国和英国位列前二,且美国的贡献超过了发文总数的一半,但美国的文献中心性只有英国的一半;发文量较多的机构基本上是英美的研究性大学,其中以美国的州立大学居多;作者之间学术相关性较高,尤其以美国的Pfeffer J.等几位学者的影响最大;不同时期的关键高频热点词各具特点,这可能与社会经济的发展变化相关。同时,通过对共被引图谱聚类分析揭示MBA领域的研究前沿,可以明确30年来该领域的9个突显词,而当前的前沿主题是MBA领域课程改革和在线MBA课程。我国在MBA领域的研究起步较晚,目前影响力相对有限,今后应将我国的实际国情及企业现状与当代管理理论相结合,从而推动在该领域的研究深入。


欧丽慧 , 颜炳瑾 , 许鑫 . MBA领域的研究进展、热点及其前沿(1988-2017年)——基于知识图谱的分析[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2018 , 50(3) : 139 -148 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.03.013


By means of the relevant literature MBA research Citespace V visualization software, this paper conducts a quantitative analysis of texts of three decades(1988-2017) from Web of Science database, and clearly displays the evolution of research focus in international MBA field in the way of visual knowledge map. The result shows that the total amount of research papers in MBA field has been increasing since 1988 and gained a breakthrough increase during 2008-2014; the number of issued papers on MBA varies in different countries, with the U.S. and the U.K. ranking the first and the second and the U.S. contributing more than a half of the total amount while the text centrality of papers in the U.S. only reaching half of that in the U.K.; the institutions that issued most amount of papers are mainly research universities in the U.S. and the U.K., especially state universities in the U.S.; the academic works of authors are related, among which scholars such as Pfeffer J in the U.S. have great influence; the key high-frequency hotspot words in different periods have different characteristics, which is related to the development of social economy. Meanwhile, the co-citation map of cluster analysis reveals the frontier research of MBA field and shows 9 high-frequency words in MBA research field for the past 30 years and the current frontier themes are MBA course reform and online MBA course. The research of MBA field in China started late and its impact is relatively limited. The real national situation of China, present status of enterprises and temporary management theories should be combined in order to promote the deep research of this field.


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