网络出版日期: 2018-09-19
Do Overseas M&A of Chinese Listed Privately-owned Companies Create Market Value? Evidence from the Market Response to M&A Events
李云鹤 , 葛林楠 , 唐梦涵 . 我国民营公司海外并购创造市场价值了吗?——来自短期市场价值效应的证据[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2018 , 50(5) : 142 -151 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.05.018
This paper investigates how and what determinates privately-owned listed companies' response to their overseas M&A. We find that the overseas M&A of privately-owned companies haven't created short-term market value for shareholders in general,and their short-term market value is significantly lower than that of state-owned companies. Further,the examination for the determinants of short-term market value indicates that it is negatively related with the acquirer's size and free cash flow,and it is also negatively related with the variables of target in sensitivity industry and same industry. The results not only provide a new evidence for whether the overseas M&A of privately-owned enterprises create or destroy value,but also provide insights for government monitoring the overseas M&A of privately-owned companies in China,that is,Chinese government should be carefully identify,investigate and monitor the overseas M&A of China's privately-owned companies.
顾露露、Robert Reed, 2011,《中国企业海外并购失败了吗?》,《经济研究》第7期。
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