网络出版日期: 2018-11-26
On the Relationship between the Number and Gender of Children and Housing Choices in Urban China
易成栋 , 任建宇 , 王优容 . 子女数量、性别与中国城市家庭的住房选择[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2018 , 50(6) : 100 -107 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2018.06.012
With the gradual adjustment of the family planning policy, the number of families with two or more children in China's urban areas has increased. Existing studies rarely analyze the impact of the number and gender of children on family housing choices. Based on the urban data of Chinese Family Panel Survey in 2014, this paper analyzes the influence of the number and gender of children on the choice of family housing with OLS and Probit multiple regression model. Under the conditions of controlling individual, family characteristics and regional factors, this empirical research shows that in contrast to the families without children, those with children have larger housing area, lower per capita housing area, and they are more likely to own living housing and also more likely to own multiple housing. Families with more children have larger housing area, lower per capita housing area, and lower housing quality, and they are more likely to own living housing. Families with sons have larger housing sizes and they are more likely to own multiple homes than those without sons. Finally, the corresponding policy is suggested to adjust the amount and structure of supply to meet the demand of families with multiple children, to improve the quality of housing and to satisfy their pursuit of better life in the supply reform of housing industry.
Key words: number of children; gender; housing choices; urban families
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