马基雅维里将古罗马政治体制(无论是王政时代还是共和国时期)描述为"公民生活"(vivere civile)。对何为马氏的"公民生活",剑桥学派学者斯金纳的共和主义诠释在学界占有主导地位。斯金纳把它理解为一种独立于外在强权的政治生活,在其内部公民能够自我治理,强调公民对政治生活的积极参与。事实上,"公民生活"这一概念的核心并不在于公民的积极参与,而在于法治。马氏的"公民生活"继承了古罗马法学术语"civilitas"的内涵,它和专制相对立,是一种由法律和制度支配的政治共同体形式;它既可以王国形式也可以共和国形式呈现,但马氏对共和国形式的"公民生活"具有一种偏爱。
Machiavelli defines the model of government in ancient Rome, both in its regal and republic periods, as "vivere civile". For what is "vivere civile", the republican interpretation of Skinner, a scholar of Cambridge School, occupies a dominant position in the academic circle. He holds that it is a political life independent of the external power, in which citizens conduct self-governance and actively participate in political life. In fact, the fundamental feature of the concept of "vivere civile" is the rule of law instead of the active participation of its citizens. Machiavelli's concept of "vivere civile", derived from "civilitas", the language of Roman law tradition and against the tyranny, is a form of political community governed by laws and institutions. It can be presented in either a kingdom form or a republican form in spite of the fact that Machiavelli himself has a greater attachment to the latter.