

  • 崔修竹 ,
  • 崔丕
  • 1. 上海第二工业大学文理学部通识教育中心, 上海, 201209;
    2. 华东师范大学历史学系, 上海, 200241

网络出版日期: 2019-03-21



The Policy and Influence of the Nixon Administration on the Issue of Chemical Weapons at the U.S. Military Base on the Ryukyu Islands

  • CUI Xiu-zhu ,
  • CUI Pi

Online published: 2019-03-21




崔修竹 , 崔丕 . 尼克松政府处理琉球群岛美军基地化学武器问题的政策与影响[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2019 , 51(2) : 92 -102 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.02.008


The Ryukyu Islands were the largest U.S. overseas military base of chemical weapons storage during the Cold War. Ryukyu Islands Chemical Weapons Leak Incident occurred under the dual background of the U.S.-Japan negotiation on the Administrative Power of Ryukyu Islands Reversion and the Nixon Administration's formulation of the U.S. Policy on Chemical Weapons. The Nixon Administration immediately directed the removal of lethal chemical munitions from Ryukyu Islands to CONUS for the redeploy. This was strongly resisted by some members of the U.S. Congress and local governments in Oregon and Washington. The Nixon Administration's approach to dealing with chemical weapons issue was very different from the nuclear weapons issue during the negotiation on the Ryukyu Islands Reversion, neither seeking the right to redeploy chemical weapons nor requiring financial compensation. Such practice was not only determined in NSDM 35, but also was an example of dealing with chemical weapons at the U.S. Military Base in Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). The Military Procurement Act of FY1970 and FY1971 passed by the U.S. Congress has strictly restricted the Pentagon's authority in the research, storage, transportation, testing and procurement of lethal chemical weapons in national legal system.
