

  • 1. 上海社会科学院经济研究所 上海, 200020;
    2. 南京财经大学经济学院 南京, 210023

网络出版日期: 2019-09-24



Economic Globalization, City Network and the Development of Global Cities


Online published: 2019-09-24




李正图, 姚清铁 . 经济全球化、城市网络层级与全球城市演进[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2019 , 51(5) : 67 -78 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2019.05.008


As a result of development of globalization at the high end, global cities are usually built on the network of global transportation and telecommunication. The network started from a regional network between cities to a city network within a nation, and ended in the global city network. In such a development, international trade plays an important role for connecting cities at different levels. A city network at higher levels is the accumulation of the networks below it. For example, the global city network is a pyramid of the accumulation of the global city network in a narrow sense, national city networks and regional city networks. Accordingly, regional cities, national cities and global cities are cultivated at respective levels. For a city network of high ranks, the layout of the network consists of cities at its level and below. For this reason, the hierarchical global city network consists of regional city networks, national city networks and the global city network in a narrow sense. Meanwhile, global cities stand at the top of the pyramid. Based on the discussion above, we finally come to the law behind the changes of global cities, which we should follow in the construction of global cities.
