

  • 方笑一
  • 华东师范大学中文系古籍研究所, 上海, 200241

网络出版日期: 2020-01-14

Appreciating and Writing: A Textual Analysis of Painting Inscriptions in the Song Dynasty

  • FANG Xiao-yi

Online published: 2020-01-14



关键词: 宋代; 绘画题跋; 观赏; 书写


方笑一 . 观赏与书写:宋代绘画题跋的文本解读[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2020 , 52(1) : 81 -88 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.01.008


The writing of painting inscriptions is closely related to the action of appreciating. The process of the appreciating directly determines the writing order as well as the organization and combination of the elements in inscription writing. Organizing words for an inscription is both linear and instantaneous. At the moment of watching a painting, the viewer has made a "choice" among everything in a painting, and the author of an inscription uses the text to make a second choice among the results of appreciating and present this second "choice". In the Song Dynasty, an inscription of a character painting was mainly focused on the realistic degree of the characters, while an inscription of a landscape painting was more focused on the overall momentum and pattern of the painting. Sometimes an author ignored his perceptions and created the inscription from three other aspects. Sometimes the image of the viewer is also directly presented in the inscription, in which sense the inscription has shaped the relationship between the viewer and the painting.
