

  • 高力克
  • 浙江大学社会学系, 杭州, 310058

网络出版日期: 2020-07-21

Family in China: The Characteristics of Chinese Culture in View of LIANG Shu-ming

  • GAO Li-ke

Online published: 2020-07-21




高力克 . 中国人的家:梁漱溟论中国文化之特质[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2020 , 52(4) : 30 -37 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.04.004


In face of the conflict against modern individualism since the great social transformation with the eastward spread of Western culture in the late Qing Dynasty, it has been a core issue in the century-long debate between “the ancient versus the modern” to discuss the destiny of ancient Chinese concept of “family” in the modernity transformation and the value of “family” in modern Chinese society. In contrary to the anti-familism trend during the May 4th period, LIANG Shu-ming objects to simply denying family system based on progressivism and considers family as an important legacy of Chinese culture. According to LIANG, family in Chinese culture is not only a moral source that cultivates morality but also plays a religious role for people to find life meaning. Chinese people organize their society with ethics by extending the relationships in a family. Such organization is different from group organization for it doesn't have boundary or forms conflicts. The wisdom of relativism of Chinese culture based on ethics can eliminate the value conflicts between individualism and collectivism in Western culture.
