The "Being" in the Human World:The Theme and Implication of "In the Human World" in Zhuangzi
在人与人交往的过程中,名言的运用是无法回避的问题。庄子首先关注于名言、知识在这一过程中呈现的消极作用。“名”和“知”可能导致的人与人之间的分离,使如何建立合理的交往关系成为需要正视的问题。以“内直外曲”为总的原则,庄子又具体区分了交往过程涉及的三个方面,即:“与天为徒” “与人为徒” “与古为徒”,并将注重之点更多地指向个体自身的提升。以自我为交往的出发点,涉及对自我本身的理解和涵养。在关于“心斋”的论述中,庄子对此作了具体的考察,与之相涉的是“徇耳目内通而外于心知”。人存在于世,同时涉及广义之“用”,在庄子看来,后者可以区分为两类:对他物之“用”与对自身之“用”;对他物或他人无用,对自我则可能有大用。庄子以树喻人,将无用于他人和社会,视为达到人的内在价值的前提,其中既有消极的一面,也从一个方面体现了对自我的关切。
杨国荣 . 世间之“在”——《庄子·人间世》的主题及其内蕴[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2021 , 53(1) : 21 -29 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.01.003
In human communication, the use of speech is inevitable. Zhuangzi first notices the negative impact of speech and knowledge in this process. "Speech" and "knowledge" may cause "division" among humans and hence how to build reasonable relationships through communication becomes an issue we cannot ignore. Regarding "internally upright but externally adaptable" as the general principle, Zhuangzi distinguishes three aspects in communication:"being a follower of the ways of Heaven", "being a follower of the ways of man" and "being a follower of the ways of the ancients". Meanwhile, he attaches importance to the self-enhancement of individuals. The self is conceived as the starting point of human communication, which is involved with the understanding and cultivation of the self. In the elaboration of the "fasting of the mind-heart" (xinzhai), Zhuangzi probes deeply into the self, advocating "allowing your ears and eyes to open inward and thereby placing yourself beyond your mind's understanding consciousness". Living in the world, human beings involve with the "usefulness" in the broad sense. In Zhuangzi's view, "usefulness" can be divided into two types:the "usefulness" for others and that for the self. What is useless for others might be worthy for the self. Adopting the metaphor of a tree, Zhuangzi regards the "uselessness" for others and the society as the premise of realizing the inward value of man. In spite of its negative aspect, this theory shows its concern about the self.
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