

  • 徐渊
徐渊, 同济大学中文系助理教授(上海, 200082)

网络出版日期: 2021-01-27

Clarifying the Tiles of Ancient Verses "Yangchun Baixue" and "Xiali Baren":On the Rising of New Types of Verses and Their Regional Characteristics in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period

  • Yuan XU

Online published: 2021-01-27


一般认为《文选》所录宋玉《对楚王问》一文中“下里巴人” “阳阿薤露” “阳春白雪”指的是《下里》《巴人》《阳阿》《薤露》《阳春》《白雪》六首古曲的曲名。根据新旧出土资料,可以论定《下里巴人》《阳阿薤露》《阳春白雪》实为三首古曲的曲名。由于汉魏人在征引这些曲名时的特殊习惯,使得后世的学者误将《对楚王问》中所引的曲名当作六首古曲。厘清古曲曲名对于重新认识战国时代的地方新声起着重要的作用,由此可以窥见春秋战国时代对于以《诗经》为代表的传统雅乐的全面革新。


徐渊 . “阳春白雪”“下里巴人”古曲定名新证——兼论春秋战国新声的兴起及其地域特征[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2021 , 53(1) : 38 -45 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.01.005


It is generally believed that the phrases of "xiali baren", "yang'e xielu" and "yangchun baixue" from SONG Yu's "Answers to the Questions of the King of Chu" in the Selected Literary Works (Wenxuan) refer to the titles of six verses, that is, "Xiali", "Baren", "Yang'e", "Xielu", "Yangchun" and "Baixue". Based on the new and old unearthed materials, it can be concluded that they are actually the titles of three ancient verses, that is, "Xiali Baren", "Yang'e Xielu" and "Yangchun Baixue". The traditional misunderstanding is due to the special habit of citing the names of these verses in the Han and Wei Dynasties. Clarifying the titles of ancient verses plays an important role in re-understanding the new folklore music in the Warring States Period, which also help us realize the comprehensive reform of the traditional music represented by The Book of Poetry (Shi Jing) in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

