Global Value Chain Specialization,New Development Paradigm and New Transformation of Foreign Economic Development Mode
唐海燕 . 全球价值链分工、新发展格局与对外经济发展方式新转变[J]. 华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2021 , 53(5) : 212 -225 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2021.05.015
The development of global value chain specialization system has formed its auto-stability and vulnerability as well. Due to such auto-stability and vulnerability, different modes of global value chain specialization and participation have different economic impacts and corresponding risks. Choosing a global value chain specialization and participation mode that suits the country’s conditions is a test of wisdom in decision-making. Under the new historical conditions of the developing and changing global value chain specialization system, there are inevitable theoretical logic, historical logic, and practical logic for China to establish a new development paradigm. The new transformation of foreign economic development mode is not only an essential requirement and important path to establish the new development paradigm, but also a strategic choice in accordance to new changes in the global value chain specialization system. Therefore, the study of how to accomplish the new transformation of China’s foreign economic development mode requires a strategic-level investigation into historical position, development concept, development and security, supply side reform, and the establishment of an independent and controllable global value chain.
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